Sunday, April 7, 2013

Public Speaking

This is a short video of the infamous opening speech by English comedian Ricky Gervais at the 2011 Golden Globe Awards in Hollywood USA, before you watch the video look up the meanings of these common English expressions:

To jump on the bandwagon
To quash a rumour
To hang out with...(somebody)
To accept bribes.

Now click on the link and watch the video:


What are the meanings of the 4 expressions in the context of the speech?
Is there anything you didn't understand?


Did you think the speech was funny? Shocking? Rude?
Do you like British humour? Monty Python? Rowan Atkinson?
Do you like speaking in public?
Have you ever given a speech to a large crowd (at a wedding for example)?
Do you have to give presentations at work?
Do you like them? Have you received any training?

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